House of Abundance
How does it help?
Encapsulating your placenta has to been shown to be beneficial to not only the birthing person, but to your baby as well. The placenta has the nutrients and properties to aid in edema, elevated blood pressure, kidney issues, and toxemia in the mother, as well as colic in your newborn. A mature placenta also contains a high level of oxytocin, also known as the love hormone. A birthing persons whose placenta lacks oxytocin due to toxemia, gall bladder issues, or even a stressful birth can benefit from using a placenta remedy.
Placenta tinctures also work in a very similar way. Birthing persons who have used tinctures have said that it has helped with increased milk supply, mood stabilization, shrinking the uterus back to normal size, improved mindset, boosting your immune system, and restoring iron levels, as well as fighting anemia. Tinctures are made to be used once you have completed taking the capsules but should not be used daily.