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Image by Josh Bean

Our Services

Our mission is to provide you with an abundant overflow of nurturing, personalized support as you prepare to bring your baby earth side and become a parent. It is an honor to join you in this transformation.

Prenatal Consultation

Meet with us to plan out the kind of birth you envision and how to make it happen

Postpartum Doula Care

Have exactly the kind of nurtured, comforting postpartum experience you want with daytime and nighttime packages available.

Nutrition Help

Coming soon!

Birth Doula

Allow us to support you through your entire birth journey, whether at home or the hospital, spontaneous or scheduled. 

Placenta encapsulation

Allow us to collect and preserve your placenta so that you can use it for your postpartum recovery.

What Our Clients Say

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MM, TriAthlete 

Andrea was my doula for my high risk delivery. She was exactly what I needed to advocate for me, coach me through an unmedicated birth, and provide comfort when I needed it most. I honestly don't think I could have brought my baby into the world the way I wanted to without her. She made me feel empowered and gave me the strength to deliver my beautiful little boy. I will definitely be reaching out to her when I have another baby.

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