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Prenatal Consultations

Let's meet to talk about your vision, desires, and needs and how to bring them to life for YOUR birth in a personalized birth plan. 



Your pregnancy and transition into parenthood can be a joyful, powerful experience.

So we should talk if you're looking for more connection, empathy, guidance about your options, tapping into your strength, and feeling more prepared.

If you already have a child or feel like you have the support you need while giving birth, this might be the option for you.

Because all birthing families deserve to be given the time, attention, and support it takes to feel safe and looked after as you prepare to meet your baby and grow your family.


Book a prenatal consultation to talk through your hopes and fears, your worries and your vision.
And come away with a plan. 

Because your story matters.

Talk to someone who will listen

When you book a consultation with us/me, we can discuss whatever is on your mind:

  • c-section

  • induction

  • breastfeeding

  • home birth

  • parenting multiples​


We'll talk about why it feels challenging and come up with a plan for your next steps.


Consultations can include creating your birth plan and wish list. 

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